For Practitioners
I have been helping clients improve their lives through hypnotherapy since 2003. In addition, I mentor and teach other hypnosis practitioners how to be more effective at what they do. Below are some resources that will help you become a better hypnotherapist.
Online Courses These are my online courses - You can pick up on my philosophy of using hypnosis, along with specific approaches for various needs. If you learn from me, you become a lifelong mentee and I am always available to answer questions! Please note that all downloadable courses are non-refundable, thank you!
Courses with Others I’ve co-created some awesome stuff. Take a gander and see what appeals to you!
Free Interviews and Presentations
Are you ready to improve your skill set and become more effective in your role as a hypnosis practitioner? Beyond teaching workshops and presenting at conferences, one-to-one mentoring with colleagues is a specialty of mine. I work with you in a customized manner, via Zoom, and when appropriate you may receive an audio recording of your mentoring session. Many of my mentees find great value in my practical approach that provides experiential learning along with a wide variety of resources to support you. Contact me for more information.