How Hypnosis Stops People From Annoying You
Most everyone has at least one person in their life they find difficult to be around, perhaps a co-worker, a family member or a friend who just seems to push that magic irritation button, prompting feelings of hurt, annoyance, impatience, even anger, often leaving us feeling emotionally drained. In a safe place in your mind, think about that person right now and let yourself notice how you immediately begin to experience not only an emotional response, but a physical one, too.
Our emotions greatly influence our physiology and as you think about that particular person, the muscles in your neck or shoulders might be tensing. Or, your stomach may be tightening or even beginning to feel upset. Perhaps you are clenching your jaw or digging your fingernails into the palms of your hand.
When we encounter these challenges in our life, we can find ourselves thinking, “_________ makes me mad”, or other such negative thoughts. The truth is that another person is not making us upset; it is our own responses, many of which are automatic, that are upsetting us.
Our thoughts and feelings travel on neural pathways, or, nets, in our brain and they are activated by a myriad of triggers which include images, sounds, smells and sensations. In the case of having reactions to certain people, an association to the person through some experience, whether it is direct or indirect, is created in the form of these pathways. The more often these neural nets are used, the more entrenched they become. Often, it only takes the mere thought of the person to elicit the response, as demonstrated in the exercise above.
So how do you take back control over your responses and get off of that entrenched negative reaction, which is not only unpleasant to experience but unhealthy for your body? Here is a hypnotic approach that works quickly and is easy to apply:
Imagine that your body is surrounded by an invisible, protective bubble or shield. Spend some time creating it in your mind’s eye; maybe you want to add a tint of color to it, or a glow of energy. You can make it just as thick or just as thin as you need. It can be hard and rigid, or soft and flexible. It belongs to you, so customize it.
Realize that this shield will effectively deflect any negative words, expressions, gestures or even the kind of energy that is projected by those we describe as “energy vampires”. Imagine, pretend if you have to, that these unwanted things are just bouncing off the outside of your shield, unable to penetrate and affect you in any negative way. You can stay safe and calm, inside of your shield. Notice how good that feels.
Now, with your protective shield installed, let yourself think of that person whom, at the start of this article, you brought to mind. Notice how you are now responding to the thought of this person. You can stay mentally and physically calm, comfortable...confident; you can let yourself experience any positive feeling you desire, there inside your shield. Those old things are no longer able to permeate and make you lose control of your reactions. You can choose exactly how you are feeling, no matter what is going on.
In his book “Conquest of Mind”, philosopher Eknath Easwaran wrote, ‘I will not be a jukebox into which others put coins.’ Your protective shield allows you to now select the song, the music to which you are dancing. It also lets you sit back and gain new perspective and insight; you now have the ability to see what is really going on, without being distracted or even clouded by your own automatic negative reactions.
Supercharge your ability to apply this hypnosis technique by imagining some situation in the future wherein negative emotions might be provoked and practice using your protective shield, noticing the positive difference. By doing so, you are programming your subconscious mind to react in a new way, literally detouring off those old, negative neural pathways.
Hypnosis can help you become even more empowered, creating the happier and healthier life you deserve!